Specialty Coffee in Mount Joy, PA:

30 Questions & Answers

Looking to learn more about what makes specialty coffee different? Check out our FAQs below!

  1. What is specialty coffee? Specialty coffee is high-quality coffee that has been carefully grown, harvested, and roasted to bring out its unique flavor characteristics. It typically scores 80 points or higher on a 100-point scale used by coffee professionals to rate coffee quality.

  2. What makes coffee “specialty”? Coffee is considered specialty when it meets certain criteria, such as high-quality beans, proper harvesting and processing methods, and skilled roasting. These factors all contribute to a coffee’s unique flavor profile and high overall quality.

  3. What is single-origin coffee? Single-origin coffee comes from a specific geographic region or farm, rather than being a blend of beans from multiple locations. This can result in a distinct flavor profile that reflects the unique characteristics of the area where the coffee was grown.

  4. What is the difference between specialty coffee and regular coffee? Specialty coffee is typically grown, harvested, and processed with greater care and attention to detail than regular coffee. This results in a higher-quality bean with a more complex and nuanced flavor profile.

  5. What is the best way to brew specialty coffee? The best way to brew specialty coffee depends on personal taste and the specific characteristics of the coffee being brewed. Methods such as pour-over, French press, and espresso can all be used to bring out the unique flavors of specialty coffee.

  6. What is direct trade coffee? Direct trade coffee is a purchasing model in which coffee roasters work directly with coffee farmers to establish a long-term relationship. This allows roasters to ensure that the farmers are paid fairly and that the coffee beans are grown and processed in a sustainable manner.

  7. What is fair trade coffee? Fair trade coffee is coffee that is certified to have been grown and harvested in a way that meets certain social, economic, and environmental standards. This certification ensures that coffee farmers are paid a fair price for their beans and that they have access to resources and support to improve their livelihoods.

  8. What is the difference between fair trade and direct trade coffee? Fair trade coffee is certified to meet certain social and environmental standards, while direct trade coffee involves a direct relationship between the roaster and the coffee farmer. Direct trade can be a more personalized and flexible model, but fair trade ensures that certain standards are met.

  9. What is the role of the coffee roaster? The coffee roaster is responsible for selecting high-quality beans, developing roast profiles to bring out the unique flavor characteristics of each bean, and ensuring that the coffee is roasted consistently and to the desired level of roast.

  10. What is the difference between light and dark roast coffee? Light roast coffee is roasted for a shorter time and at a lower temperature than dark roast coffee. This results in a coffee that has a lighter body and acidity, with more nuanced flavors. Dark roast coffee is roasted for a longer time and at a higher temperature, resulting in a coffee with a stronger, more intense flavor and a darker color.

  11. What is the best way to store coffee beans? Coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. It is important to avoid storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer, as this can cause moisture to condense on the beans and affect their flavor.

  12. How long do coffee beans stay fresh? Coffee beans are best consumed within 2-4 weeks of roasting, as the flavor and aroma can begin to degrade over time. It is important to buy coffee in small quantities and to only grind the amount needed for each brewing session to ensure maximum freshness.

  13. What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee? Arabica coffee is considered to be of higher quality and has a more complex flavor profile than Robusta coffee. Robusta coffee has a higher caffeine content and a stronger.

  14. What is third-wave coffee? Third-wave coffee is a movement that focuses on the craft and artistry of coffee, emphasizing sustainability, transparency, and a direct relationship between coffee farmers and roasters. Third-wave coffee aims to elevate coffee to the level of a specialty food product, similar to wine or chocolate.

  15. What is the difference between specialty coffee and gourmet coffee? Specialty coffee is defined by its quality and unique flavor profile, while gourmet coffee typically refers to coffee that has been flavored or blended with other ingredients to create a specific taste. Specialty coffee is typically roasted and brewed to highlight the natural flavors of the coffee bean.

  16. What is a coffee cupping? Coffee cupping is a formal tasting method used by coffee professionals to evaluate the flavor, aroma, and quality of coffee. It involves brewing coffee using a specific method and then evaluating the coffee using a standardized scoring system.

  17. What is a coffee blend? A coffee blend is a combination of two or more different types of coffee beans. Blending allows roasters to create a unique flavor profile that cannot be achieved by using a single origin coffee.

  18. What is the best way to grind coffee beans? The best way to grind coffee beans depends on the brewing method being used. For example, a fine grind is best for espresso, while a coarser grind is better for French press. It is important to use a high-quality burr grinder to ensure consistent particle size.

  19. What is a single-serve coffee maker? A single-serve coffee maker is a type of coffee machine that brews individual servings of coffee using pre-packaged coffee pods or capsules. These machines offer convenience and consistency, but they can be expensive and create a lot of waste.

  20. What is a coffee subscription? A coffee subscription is a service that delivers fresh, high-quality coffee to your doorstep on a regular basis. Subscriptions can be customized to match your taste preferences and can include a variety of different types of coffee.

  21. What is the best temperature for brewing coffee? The best temperature for brewing coffee is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range allows for optimal extraction of flavor compounds from the coffee beans.

  22. What is the difference between washed and natural coffee? Washed coffee is processed using water to remove the outer layer of the coffee cherry, resulting in a cleaner and brighter flavor profile. Natural coffee is dried with the fruit intact, resulting in a sweeter and fruitier flavor profile.

  23. What is the difference between single-origin and blended coffee? Single-origin coffee is sourced from a specific geographic region or farm and offers a unique flavor profile that reflects the terroir of the area. Blended coffee combines beans from multiple origins to create a unique flavor profile that cannot be achieved with a single origin coffee.

  24. What is a coffee roasting profile? A coffee roasting profile is a detailed plan for how a particular coffee should be roasted to bring out its unique flavor profile. A profile will include variables such as temperature, time, and airflow to achieve the desired level of roast and flavor characteristics.

  25. What is a coffee plant varietal? A coffee plant varietal refers to the specific type of coffee plant that is being grown. There are many different varietals, each with unique flavor profiles and growing characteristics.

  26. What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? A latte is made with espresso and steamed milk, while a cappuccino is made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. Lattes are generally considered to be sweeter and creamier than cappuccinos.

  27. What is a coffee cup profile? A coffee cup profile is a detailed description of the flavor and aroma characteristics of a particular coffee. It includes information on acidity, body, sweetness, and other flavor attributes.

  28. What is the difference between light, medium, and dark roast coffee? Light roast coffee is roasted for a shorter amount of time and has a lighter color and a more acidic and fruity flavor profile. Medium roast coffee has a slightly darker color and a more balanced flavor profile, with a blend of acidity and sweetness. Dark roast coffee is roasted for a longer time and has a darker color and a bolder, smoky flavor profile.

  29. What is a coffee bag valve? A coffee bag valve is a small one-way valve that is used on coffee bags to release the buildup of carbon dioxide gas that occurs after roasting. The valve allows the coffee to degas while maintaining freshness and preventing oxidation.

  30. What is the difference between cold brew and iced coffee? Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period of time, resulting in a smooth, low-acid coffee concentrate. Iced coffee is made by brewing hot coffee and then pouring it over ice, which can result in a more acidic and bitter flavor profile.