French Macarons in Lancaster, PA:

20 Questions & Answers

Looking to learn more about french macarons? Check out our FAQs below!

  1. What are macarons? Macarons are a type of French pastry made from ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites. They consist of two small, round, and smooth meringue-based shells with a soft and chewy interior, sandwiched together with a filling.

  2. What flavors do macarons come in? Macarons come in a wide range of flavors, including traditional ones like vanilla, chocolate, and raspberry, as well as more unique flavors such as lavender, matcha, and salted caramel.

  3. Are macarons gluten-free? Macarons are typically made without flour, which means they are naturally gluten-free. At Rise Bake Shoppe, our macarons are gluten-free. However, some macarons may contain gluten-containing ingredients in the filling.

  4. How are macarons made? Macarons are made by mixing ground almonds and powdered sugar, then beating egg whites until they form stiff peaks. The almond mixture is folded into the egg whites, then piped onto a baking sheet and baked until crisp. Once cooled, the shells are filled with a buttercream or ganache filling.

  5. Why do macarons seem to be so expensive? Macarons are typically more expensive than other baked goods due to their labor-intensive preparation, high-quality ingredients, and delicate nature.

  6. How long do macarons last? Macarons typically last for 2-3 days at room temperature, or up to a week in the refrigerator. It's important to store them in an airtight container to prevent them from drying out.

  7. Can macarons be frozen? Yes, macarons can be frozen for up to two months. Just be sure to let them come to room temperature before serving.

  8. How should I serve macarons? Macarons are best served at room temperature, as they will be soft and chewy. If they have been refrigerated or frozen, let them come to room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving.

  9. Can macarons be made ahead of time? Yes, macarons can be made ahead of time and stored in an airtight container until ready to serve. However, it's important to note that the texture may change slightly after a day or two. At Rise Bake Shoppe, we are regulary baking macarons in order to provide you with the freshest possible product!

  10. How many calories are in a macaron? The number of calories in a macaron varies depending on the size and filling, but on average, one macaron contains around 80-100 calories.

  11. What is the difference between macarons and macaroons? Macarons and macaroons are two different types of cookies. Macarons are made with almond flour, while macaroons are typically made with shredded coconut. Macarons are also meringue-based, while macaroons are often made with egg whites and condensed milk.

  12. Can I make macarons without a piping bag? While a piping bag is the most common way to form macaron shells, you can use a spoon or cookie scoop to drop the batter onto a baking sheet. Just be sure to shape them into circles with a spoon or your finger before baking. Here at Rise Bake Shoppe, our cake decorators almost always use a piping bag for macaron production.

  13. Why do macarons crack? Macarons can crack if they are over-mixed or undercooked. It's important to follow the recipe closely and not overbeat the egg whites.

  14. Are macarons difficult to make? Macarons can be tricky to make, as they require precise measurements and techniques. However, with practice and patience, anyone can learn to make them successfully.

  15. Can I make macarons with different shapes or colors? Yes, you can use food coloring to dye the macaron batter different colors, and you can also use different piping tips to create different shapes.

  16. Can I make macarons without almond flour? While almond flour is the traditional ingredient used in macarons, you can also use other types of nut flours or ground seeds, such as pistachio, hazelnut, or sunflower seed.

  17. How do we achieve the perfect macaron texture? Making macarons takes a fair amount of expertise. To achieve the perfect macaron texture, it's important to follow the recipe closely and not overmix the batter. The batter should be thick and smooth, but not runny. Be sure to tap the baking sheet on the counter to release any air bubbles before baking, and let the macarons rest for 15-30 minutes before baking to develop a smooth, shiny surface.

  18. Can I fill macarons with different flavors? Yes, you can fill macarons with a variety of different flavors, from classic buttercream to fruit jams, chocolate ganache, or even savory fillings like goat cheese or foie gras. We regularly experiment with new flavors to keep our selection fun and fresh.

  19. Where did macarons originate? Macarons originated in Italy during the Renaissance period. They were introduced to France in the 16th century when Catherine de' Medici married King Henry II, and became popular in France during the 18th century.

  20. How has the recipe for macarons evolved over time? The original recipe for macarons consisted of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar. Over time, the recipe has been adapted and modified to include a wide range of flavors, fillings, and colors. Modern macarons can be filled with buttercream, ganache, fruit curd, or other fillings, and can be flavored with anything from vanilla to matcha to lavender.